
Deere & Co (DE)

+0.24 (0.05%)

Deere & Company is a prominent manufacturer of agricultural, construction, and forestry equipment, renowned for its iconic green and yellow machinery

The company provides a wide range of products including tractors, harvesters, and engines, as well as precision agriculture technologies that enhance farming efficiency and productivity. In addition to equipment, Deere offers financial services and supports sustainable practices in agriculture. With a commitment to innovation, the company plays a crucial role in advancing modern farming and construction capabilities, serving customers globally.

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ArcelorMittal S.A.: ArcelorMittal reports fourth quarter 2024 and full year 2024 results
Luxembourg, February 6, 2025 - ArcelorMittal (referred to as “ArcelorMittal” or the “Company” or the "Group") (MT (New York, Amsterdam, Paris, Luxembourg), MTS (Madrid)), the world’s leading integrated steel and mining company, today announced results1 for the three-month and twelve-month periods ended December 31, 2024.
By ArcelorMittal S.A. · Via GlobeNewswire · February 6, 2025
ArcelorMittal announces the publication of its fourth quarter and full year 2024 sell-side analyst consensus figures
ArcelorMittal (‘the Company’) today announces the publication of its fourth quarter and full year 2024 sell-side analyst consensus figures.
By ArcelorMittal S.A. · Via GlobeNewswire · January 28, 2025
Hitachi Construction Machinery establece su sede regional para América Latina en Chile
Esta acción fortalecerá el enfoque desde la venta de maquinaria nueva hasta la localización de piezas y soporte de servicio para responder rápidamente a las necesidades de distribuidores y clientes en América Latina.TOKYO, Japan - Jan. 27, 2025 - PRLog -- Hoy en una reunión de su Junta Directiva, Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. ("Hitachi Construction Machinery") decidió que establecerá Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America SpA ("Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America") en la República de Chile ("Chile") el 1 de abril de 2025, con el objetivo de supervisar y expandir sus actividades comerciales actuales en América Latina. La introducción de Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America fortalecerá el enfoque de la compañía, desde la venta de maquinaria nueva hasta el suministro de piezas (o repuestos) y soporte de servicio en América Latina, para responder rápidamente a las necesidades de distribuidores y clientes.Despues de la disolución de la asociación con Deere & Company, Hitachi Construction Machinery Group ha venido expandiendo de manera independiente las ventas de maquinaria de construcción nueva y la provisión de piezas y servicios en las regiones de Norte y Latinoamérica desde marzo de 2022. Hasta el momento, la compañía ha centrado sus esfuerzos principalmente en lanzar y expandir su sistema de ventas y servicio en América del Norte y ha desarrollado una red de distribuidores y almacenes de piezas (o repuestos).Actualmente, Hitachi Construction Machinery Americas Inc. (sede: Newnan, Georgia, EE. UU.; "Hitachi Construction Machinery Americas") es responsable de la región de América Latina junto con América del Norte. Debido a las diferencias en cultura, idioma y prácticas comerciales entre ambas zonas, se decidió que se crearía una sede regional en Chile, que servirá como sede para América Latina a fin de responder con más eficiencia a las necesidades de los distribuidores y clientes regionales. Chile es el mercado más grande de América Latina para los camiones de volteo para minería, un segmento en el que Hitachi Construction Machinery está trabajando para expandir sus ventas. Se espera un mayor acercamiento con los clientes por la concentración de sedes de compañías mineras principales en Chile. Por otra parte, se han firmado acuerdos de productos compactos y de construcción con distribuidores en Chile, República Cooperativa de Guyana, República Dominicana, República de Colombia y República de Suriname. Primero, la sede regional para América Latina se establecerá en Chile seguida por el desarrollo gradual de una red de ventas y servicio que incluye a Brasil, el mayor mercado de Hitachi para productos de construcción.Hitachi Construction Machinery Group está reorganizando su estructura de negocios en América Latina con Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America como eje central. Su objetivo es alcanzar ingresos por ventas de 100 mil millones de JPY o más para el año fiscal 2030 en la región.Sonosuke Ishii, vicepresidente senior y ejecutivo oficial de Hitachi Construction Machinery, gerente general de America Business Div y presidente de Hitachi Construction Machinery Americas, declaró: "Hemos disfrutado de la oportunidad de desarrollar relaciones y hacer crecer alianzas dentro de la región latinoamericana. Estamos muy entusiasmados por la adición de la nueva sede regional en América Latina. Hitachi Construction Machinery busca apoyar el éxito de nuestros clientes y distribuidores con este nuevo enfoque. Este nuevo equipo, que tiene conocimiento profundo del mercado, podrá responder de forma eficiente a las necesidades de ventas, piezas y soporte. Hitachi Construction Machinery Americas Inc. apoyará la nueva sede regional de América Latina para lograr una transición fluida que construya una red sólida para el éxito continuo".Generalidades de Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America
Via PRLog · January 27, 2025
Hitachi Construction Machinery estabelece sede regional na América Latina no Chile
TOKYO, Japan - Jan. 27, 2025 - PRLog -- A Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. ("Hitachi Construction Machinery") decidiu, em uma reunião do Conselho de Administração realizada hoje, que estabelecerá a Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America SpA ("Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America") na República do Chile ("Chile") em 1º de abril de 2025, para supervisionar os negócios atuais e expandi-los na América Latina. O estabelecimento da Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America fortalecerá o foco da empresa, desde a venda de novas máquinas até a localização de peças e suporte de serviços na América Latina, para responder rapidamente às necessidades de revendedores e clientesCom a dissolução da joint venture com a Deere & Company, o Hitachi Construction Machinery Group vem expandindo de forma independente as vendas de novas máquinas de construção e o fornecimento de peças e serviços nas regiões da América do Norte e América Latina desde março de 2022. Até agora, o Grupo concentrou seus esforços principalmente no lançamento e na expansão de seu sistema de vendas e serviços na América do Norte e desenvolveu uma rede de revendedores e armazéns de peças.Atualmente, a Hitachi Construction Machinery Americas Inc. (sede: Newnan, Geórgia, EUA; "Hitachi Construction Machinery Americas") é responsável pela região da América Latina e America do Norte com a América do Norte. Devido às diferenças de cultura, idioma e práticas comerciais entre a América do Norte e a América Latina, foi decidido que uma sede regional seria estabelecida na região, com o Chile servindo como sede para a América Latina, a fim de responder rapidamente às necessidades dos distribuidores e clientes regionais. O Chile é o maior mercado da América Latina para caminhões basculantes de mineração, um segmento no qual a Hitachi Construction Machinery está trabalhando para expandir as vendas, e espera-se uma comunicação próxima com os clientes devido à concentração das sedes das principais empresas de mineração. Além disso, foram assinados acordos para produtos compactos e de construção com revendedores no Chile, Guiana, Republica Dominicana, Colombia e Suriname.Primeiramente, a sede regional para a América Latina será estabelecida no Chile, seguida pelo desenvolvimento gradual de uma rede de vendas e serviços, incluindo o Brasil, que é o maior mercado do Grupo para produtos de construção.O Grupo Hitachi Construction Machinery está reconstruindo a estrutura de negócios para a América Latina em torno da Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America, com o objetivo de atingir uma receita de vendas de 100 bilhões de ienes ou mais no ano fiscal de 2030 na América Latina.O Vice-Presidente Sênior e Diretor Executivo da Hitachi Construction Machinery, Gerente Geral da Divisão de Negócios das Américas e Presidente da Hitachi Construction Machinery Américas, Sonosuke Ishii, declarou: "Temos desfrutado da oportunidade de desenvolver relacionamentos e parcerias na região da América Latina e estamos muito entusiasmados com a adição da nova sede regional da América Latina. A Hitachi Construction Machinery pretende apoiar o sucesso de nossos clientes e revendedores com essa nova abordagem mais enfocada. Essa nova equipe, que tem conhecimento detalhado do mercado, será capaz de responder rapidamente às necessidades de vendas, peças e suporte. A Hitachi Construction Machinery Americas Inc. dará suporte à nova sede regional da América Latina para que a transição seja tranquila e para que se construa uma rede forte para promover o sucesso contínuo."Visão geral da Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America
Via PRLog · January 27, 2025
PJ Power Inc. Celebrates Two Decades as Florida’s Premier Aftermarket Diesel Engine Part and Electrical Component Supplier
As the rest of the world settles into a new year, one Florida company is celebrating 20 years in business. PJ Power Inc. supplies aftermarket electrical components and industrial diesel engine parts. Since its founding in 2005, the business built a reputation as a reliable source of knowledgeable professionals with experience and high-quality parts for some of the world’s top engine manufacturers.
Via Get News · January 20, 2025
Hitachi Construction Machinery Establishing Latin American Regional Headquarters in Chile
Strengthening focus from new machinery sales to the localization of parts and support to rapidly respond to the needs of dealers and customers in Latin America.TOKYO, Japan - Jan. 27, 2025 - PRLog -- Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. ("Hitachi Construction Machinery") decided at a Board of Directors meeting held today that it will establish Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America SpA ("Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America") in the Republic of Chile ("Chile") on April 1, 2025, to oversee and expand it's business in Latin America. The establishment of Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America will strengthen the company's focus from new machinery sales to the localization of parts and service support in Latin America to rapidly respond to the needs of dealers and customers.With the dissolution of the joint venture with Deere & Company, the Hitachi Construction Machinery Group has been independently expanding the sales of new construction machinery and the provision of parts and services in the North and Latin American regions since March 2022. Until now, the Group has primarily focused its efforts on launching and expanding its sales and service system in North America and developed a dealer network and parts warehouses.Currently, Hitachi Construction Machinery Americas Inc. (headquarters: Newnan, Georgia, USA; "Hitachi Construction Machinery Americas") is responsible for the Latin American region along with North America. Due to differences in culture, language, and business practices between North America and Latin America, it was decided that a regional headquarters would be established in the region with Chile serving as the headquarters for Latin America to rapidly respond to the needs of regional dealers and customers. Chile is the largest market in Latin America for mining dump trucks, a segment in which Hitachi Construction Machinery is working to expand sales, and close communication with customers is expected due to the concentration of headquarters for major mining companies. In addition, agreements for compact and construction products have been signed with dealers in Chile, Co-operative Republic of Guyana, Dominican Republic, Republic of Colombia, and Republic of Suriname. First, the regional headquarters for Latin America will be established in Chile followed by the gradual development of a sales and service network including Brazil, which is the Group's largest market for construction products.The Hitachi Construction Machinery Group is rebuilding the business structure for Latin America around Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America with the goal of reaching sales revenue of 100 billion JPY or more in FY2030 in Latin America.Hitachi Construction Machinery's Senior Vice President and Executive Officer, General Manager of America Business Div and Chairman of Hitachi Construction Machinery Americas, Sonosuke Ishii, stated, "We have enjoyed the opportunity to develop relationships and grow partnerships within the Latin American region and are very excited for the addition of the new Latin American regional headquarters. Hitachi Construction Machinery intends to support our customer's and dealer's success with this new focused approach. This new team, which have detailed knowledge of the market, will be able to respond quickly to sales, parts and support needs. Hitachi Construction machinery Americas Inc. will support the new Latin American regional headquarter for seamless transition to build a strong network for continued success."Overview of Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America
Via PRLog · January 27, 2025
Farm Shop MFG, LLC Brings Precision Axle John Deere 7000 Planter Parts For Superior Agricultural Performance
Precision engineering of these products ensures compatibility and structural strength, allowing for efficient integration with existing equipment.
Via Press Release Distribution Service · December 18, 2024
ArcelorMittal Announces Pricing of Bond Issue
ArcelorMittal priced yesterday an offering of €500,000,000 3.125 per cent notes due 13 December 2028 (the “2028 Notes”) and €500,000,000 3.500 per cent notes due 13 December 2031 (the “2031 Notes” and together with the 2028 Notes, the "Notes").
By ArcelorMittal S.A. · Via GlobeNewswire · December 10, 2024
ArcelorMittal announces financial calendar for 2025
 ArcelorMittal today announces its financial calendar for 2025.
By ArcelorMittal S.A. · Via GlobeNewswire · December 6, 2024
Farm Shop MFG, LLC Expands Offerings for John Deere 7000 Series Planters
Farm Shop MFG, LLC has added the Germinator Axel to its lineup of products designed for the John Deere 7000 series planters, enhancing farming efficiency.
Via Press Release Distribution Service · November 28, 2024
ArcelorMittal provides update on its European decarbonization plans
26 November 2024, 08:30 CET
By ArcelorMittal S.A. · Via GlobeNewswire · November 26, 2024
Austin Visuals 3D Animation Studio Redefines Visual Storytelling Across Key Industries
Austin Visuals, a top 3D animation studio, delivers customized animation services for industries like healthcare, oil and gas, and legal. Specializing in complex visual storytelling, they create precise, engaging animations, from technical designs to explainer videos, tailored to inform and captivate diverse audiences.
Via Press Release Distribution Service · November 22, 2024
Eloxx Pharmaceuticals Announces Key Corporate Accomplishments
Data from Eloxx’s proof-of-concept trial in patients with nonsense mutation Alport Syndrome (NMAS) presented in late-breaking presentation at American Society of Nephrology (ASN) Kidney Week
By Eloxx Pharmaceuticals · Via GlobeNewswire · November 12, 2024
ArcelorMittal S.A.: ArcelorMittal reports third quarter 2024 results
Luxembourg, November 7, 2024 - ArcelorMittal (referred to as “ArcelorMittal” or the “Company” or the "Group") (MT (New York, Amsterdam, Paris, Luxembourg), MTS (Madrid)), the world’s leading integrated steel and mining company, today announced results1 for the three-month and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024.
By ArcelorMittal S.A. · Via GlobeNewswire · November 7, 2024
ArcelorMittal announces the publication of its third quarter 2024 sell-side analyst consensus figures
ArcelorMittal (‘the Company’) today announces the publication of its third quarter 2024 sell-side analyst consensus figures.
By ArcelorMittal S.A. · Via GlobeNewswire · October 28, 2024
DEERE & COMPANY INVESTOR ALERT: Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP Investigates Deere & Company’s Directors and Officers for Breach of Fiduciary Duties – DE
Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP (“Scott+Scott”), an international securities and consumer rights litigation firm, is investigating whether the leadership of Deere & Company (“Deere”) (NYSEDE) breached their fiduciary duties to Deere and its shareholders.
By Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP · Via Business Wire · October 24, 2024
Caterpillar and Deere Get Analyst Upgrades, Could Move Higher
Caterpillar and Deere & Co. were trading near a 52-week high before receiving price target upgrades; investors may wonder if this is a buying opportunity
Via MarketBeat · October 14, 2024
Nippon Steel agrees to sell its interest in Calvert to ArcelorMittal, at the request of NSC pursuant to its agreed acquisition of US Steel
11 October 2024, 08:30 CET
By ArcelorMittal S.A. · Via GlobeNewswire · October 11, 2024
ArcelorMittal announces recommendations from dss+ workplace safety audit
9 October 2024, 08:00 CET
By ArcelorMittal S.A. · Via GlobeNewswire · October 9, 2024
4 Catalysts Poised to Push Caterpillar Stock to Record Highs
Caterpillar Inc. (NYSECAT) is the leading manufacturer of heavy machinery, equipment, and vehicles for construction and mining.
Via MarketBeat · September 25, 2024
ArcelorMittal holds investor day in India
Event highlights India’s position as world’s fastest growing steel market and AM/NS India’s vision to become the benchmark for quality, scale and sustainability in Indian steelmaking
By ArcelorMittal S.A. · Via GlobeNewswire · September 25, 2024
Brace for the Perfect Storm: Rate Cuts and a Slow September
A historically slow September month is hitting the S&P 500's momentum lately, this time coupled with the potential for a rate cut selloff as a contrarian view
Via MarketBeat · September 18, 2024
Renowned Financial Expert Professor Wilson Deere: From Wall Street to Global Investment Leader
Professor Wilson Deere, a heavyweight in both Canadian and American financial circles, has become a leading authority in the global financial markets with his sharp market insights and over 23 years of experience in the industry. As the current Chief Analyst at Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM), Wilson Deere has not only led numerous successful private equity investments but has also excelled in financial market research and strategy formulation, earning high praise both within and outside the industry.
Via GlobePRwire · September 18, 2024
Deere Rebounds on Earnings Beat, But Uphill Battle Remains
Deere & Company posted top- and bottom-line declines in the latest quarterly report but still beat analyst predictions, as industry-wide challenges remain.
Via MarketBeat · August 16, 2024
R-G Federal Credit Union Leverages Scienaptic's AI Platform to Enhance Credit Underwriting
NEW YORK - Sept. 4, 2024 - PRLog -- cienaptic AI, a leading global provider of AI-powered credit underwriting platforms, announced today that Missouri-based R-G Federal Credit Union has selected its platform to expand credit access for its member community. Scienaptic's regulatory-compliant AI platform will enable R-G Federal Credit Union to make sharper risk predictions, automate decisions, and offer more inclusive lending to its members.Chartered in 1957, R-G Federal Credit Union was founded to serve the military and civilian personnel of Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base. Through the years, the Credit Union expanded its reach to include more military and civilian members and surrounding communities, broadening its service area. Today, R-G Federal Credit Union manages $134 million in assets and serves over 8,000 members across multiple counties in Missouri, including Jackson, Cass, Johnson, Bates, Vernon, Henry, St. Clair, Cedar, Hickory, Morgan, Benton, and parts of Pettis. With a mission of empowering every member's journey toward financial success through real and genuine service, R-G Federal Credit Union remains dedicated to serving its members and the communities it represents."Our mission has always been to empower our members on their financial journey with genuine, personalized service because we believe banking should be human, real, and authentic," said Steve Deere, President & CEO of R-G Federal Credit Union. "As we focus on future growth, it's essential that we maintain these core values. Partnering with Scienaptic AI allows us to do just that. Their AI platform will enhance our ability to make more accurate credit decisions, reduce approval times, and identify opportunities that might otherwise be overlooked by traditional underwriting practices. This means we can extend credit to more members, while also managing risk more effectively. By implementing this technology, we're not just adapting to change—we're leading it, ensuring our members have the support they need to thrive financially, both now and in the future."Eric Steinhoff, EVP, Client Impact at Scienaptic AI expressed, "We are thrilled that R-G Federal Credit Union is embracing the power of our AI technology.  By leveraging our platform, R-G Federal will gain deeper insights into their members' financial behaviors, enabling them to offer more tailored and inclusive credit decisions. The platform will not only enhance their decision-making—it will empower them to better anticipate and meet the evolving needs of their members. We're excited to see how our technology will help R-G Federal Credit Union foster even stronger relationships with their members, driving growth and financial well-being for years to come."About Scienaptic AIScienaptic AI's mission is to increase credit availability across the globe by transforming the technology used in credit decisioning. Credit unions, auto lenders, banks, and fintechs, use Scienaptic's AI native credit decisioning platform to continually improve the quality and speed of their underwriting decisions.The platform enables FIs to reach more borrowers, including underbanked and underserved individuals, and say "yes" more often without increasing risk. It democratizes automated AI-powered lending while addressing all regulatory requirements, including Fair Lending and explainable adverse actions.Scienaptic-enabled lenders have processed more than 400 million transactions, benefitting millions of borrowers. For more information, visit http://www.scienaptic.ai
Via PRLog · September 4, 2024