
Cal-Maine Foods Announces Publication of 2021 Sustainability Report

Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. (NASDAQ: CALM) today released Our Sustainable Cornerstone, which outlines the Company’s sustainability progress in fiscal year 2021. The report highlights the Company’s robust worker health and safety protocols, strong food safety outcomes, animal welfare certifications and ongoing community support. The Company also released the results of its first materiality assessment, among other corporate governance achievements.

“Cal-Maine Foods’ commitment to sustainability extends to our colleagues, customers, the environment, the animals in our care, and our communities,” said Dolph Baker, chairman and chief executive officer of Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. “In this sustainability update, we provide a discussion of enterprise values and operating protocols that help stakeholders better understand our mission to continue to serve as the most sustainable and reliable supplier of high-quality fresh eggs and egg products in the United States.”

The report may be found on the Company’s website, at calmainefoods.com/investors/sustainability-reports.

Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. is primarily engaged in the production, grading, packing, marketing and distribution of fresh shell eggs, including conventional, cage-free, organic, brown, free-range, pasture-raised and nutritionally enhanced eggs. The Company, which is headquartered in Ridgeland, Mississippi, is the largest producer and distributor of fresh shell eggs in the United States and sells the majority of its shell eggs in states across the southwestern, southeastern, mid-western and mid-Atlantic regions of the United States.


Dolph Baker, Chairman and CEO

Max P. Bowman, Vice President and CFO

(601) 948-6813