
Alterra Mountain Company and Share Winter Foundation Join Forces to Increase Mountain Access Among Youth

Collaboration Represents a Nearly $4 Million Cash and In-Kind Donation Toward Share Winter Foundation Programs

Alterra Mountain Company commits to creating a more diverse and inclusive winter sports community and has joined forces with Share Winter Foundation to support their mission to improve the lives, health, and fitness of youth through winter sports. The two industry partners will unite in their joint commitment to equitably evolving and expanding the industry.

This unique, multi-year collaboration includes a donation to Share Winter of nearly $4 million in the form of cash and in-kind services, including lessons, lift tickets, equipment rentals, and meal vouchers. Through this donation, thousands of youth participating in Share Winter’s partner programs will receive up to four Learn to Ski & Ride programs at 14 of Alterra Mountain Company’s North American destinations throughout winter 21/22, resulting in more than 13,000 on snow visits. Graduate packages will be offered following completion of the programs to encourage long-term engagement.

Share Winter Foundation is a well-established, non-profit grantmaking organization that provides resources, advocacy and community support for youth Learn to Ski and Snowboard programs, prioritizing those that serve youth that may otherwise be denied access to the sport. Share Winter selects organizations that build efficient, effective, sustainable winter sports programs and pipelines to ongoing winter sports participation. As a result of this partnership, Share Winter will expand existing programs, create new programs, and invite new grantees to Alterra Mountain Company destinations for winter 21/22.

“Alterra Mountain Company is committed to building a global mountain community and is thrilled to support Share Winter Foundation’s vision of making snowsports more accessible by providing on-snow experiences to help instill a lasting impact and a love of the outdoors in youth traditionally denied access to the sport,” said Karen Sanford, Chief Legal & Social Responsibility Officer, Alterra Mountain Company. “We look forward to our long-term relationship that will help benefit kids as well as our teams at our mountain resorts.”

In addition to providing on-snow experiences, Alterra Mountain Company destinations will also create opportunities for resort employees to engage with Learn to Ski and Snowboard program participants to demonstrate the benefits of a life and career in the outdoor recreational industry. The program is designed to provide a lasting invitation and open door into the mountain lifestyle for program participants.

“With this game changing partnership, Alterra Mountain Company is breaking down some of the greatest barriers to entry in skiing and riding,” said Constance Beverley, CEO, Share Winter Foundation. “The opportunity presented by this partnership is phenomenal, but the energy and support we’ve felt from Alterra Mountain Company and its employees takes this collaboration to the next level. This is how real change happens.”

For additional information about how to become a Share Winter Foundation grantee or donor, please visit www.sharewinterfoundation.org.

About Alterra Mountain Company

Alterra Mountain Company is a family of 15 iconic year-round destinations, including the world's largest heli-ski operation, offering the Ikon Pass, the new standard in season passes. The company owns and operates a range of recreation, hospitality, real estate development, food and beverage, retail and service businesses. Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, with destinations across the continent, Alterra Mountain Company is rooted in the spirit of the mountains and united by a passion for outdoor adventure. Alterra Mountain Company's family of diverse playgrounds spans six U.S. states and three Canadian provinces: Steamboat and Winter Park in Colorado; Palisades Tahoe, Mammoth Mountain, June Mountain and Big Bear Mountain Resort in California; Stratton and Sugarbush Resort in Vermont; Snowshoe in West Virginia; Tremblant in Quebec, Blue Mountain in Ontario; Crystal Mountain in Washington; Deer Valley Resort and Solitude Mountain Resort in Utah; and CMH Heli-Skiing & Summer Adventures in British Columbia. Also included in the portfolio is Alpine Aerotech, a worldwide helicopter support and maintenance service center in British Columbia, Canada. Alterra Mountain Company honors each destination's unique character and authenticity and celebrates the legendary adventures and enduring memories they bring to everyone. For more information, please visit www.alterramtnco.com.

About Share Winter Foundation

Share Winter Foundation (“Share Winter”) is a non-profit grantmaking organization working to improve the lives, health, and fitness of youth through winter sports, and create a more diverse, inclusive, and welcoming winter sports community. Share Winter works closely with carefully selected grantees to build efficient, effective, sustainable winter sports programs and pipelines to ongoing winter sports participation. Through our partnerships, we strive to make winter sports accessible to a broader, more diverse community, and share winter with 100,000 youth by 2028. Learn more at www.sharewinterfoundation.org.
