
SilverBow Resources to Participate at EnerCom’s The Oil & Gas Conference

SilverBow Resources, Inc. (NYSE: SBOW) (“SilverBow” or “the Company”) announced today that it will present at EnerCom’s The Oil & Gas Conference in Denver, Colorado on Monday, August 16, 2021. The Corporate Presentation being used will be accessible on the Company’s website at www.sbow.com under the “Investor Relations” section.


SilverBow Resources, Inc. (NYSE: SBOW) is a Houston-based energy company actively engaged in the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas in the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas. With over 30 years of history operating in South Texas, the Company possesses a significant understanding of regional reservoirs which it leverages to assemble high quality drilling inventory while continuously enhancing its operations to maximize returns on capital invested. For more information, please visit www.sbow.com.


Jeff Magids

Director of Finance & Investor Relations

(281) 874-2700, (888) 991-SBOW